“I started running marathons since May 2014. I had done some Half marathons, Full marathons and one 50k in an unorganized way and with my own plans.
My goal has been to complete a full marathon in sub 4 hrs. I had missed narrowly in three consecutive marathons.
I had an opportunity to meet Kay during The Wipro Chennai Marathon (TWCM) – 2015 event. During my initial conversation, he pointed out my mistakes as well as highlighted my strengths. I signed up with him for coaching.
I started training under him for the SCMM 2016. Kay gave me regular advice on the importance of good nutrition, diet, pacing strategy along with a structured day wise training schedule. 2016 SCMM, I had realized my dream of running a full marathon under 4 hours by finishing the target in 3 hrs. 58 minutes.
After the event in early 2016, we together came up with the target event that I would participate. Some were added and some removed.
I started training for a 10k to improve my speed (my earlier PB was 50min), under Kay’s guidance I clocked 46min; unbelievable for me because the training approach made me run the race with ease.
Further to that, I started training for my first 75k Ultra run in Jawadhu. The training started and I enjoyed each run even-though the plan forced me to cut down speed, more proper sleep and a healthy diet. For Jawadhu Kay gave me two pacing sheets (out of nearly 30 runners I realized that I was the one had a pacing chart to 1k pacing). I followed the plan to the last mile and successfully finished in 9 hrs. 30 min. Such a wonderful experience that I had and without him, it wouldn’t have been possible to approach an Ultra like Jawadhu. I was happy to finish in 4th place (narrowly missing the podium) out of 9 runners in the open category. Full credit goes to Kay for designing the plan
Kay supports me not only on my running plans but also answers all my questions patiently. He also helps me think positively all the time
I’m feeling he is not only a coach for me but he is an elder brother taking good care of me. I learned lot from him, still lots to learn, not only running how to lead a life in positive frame of mind
Whoever reading this be assured that you will get a lot of others things like positive approach in handling daily activities. Execution is the way we dream and left to us
He is currently running 42 km for 42 weeks to spread safety awareness and obeying traffic rules. This shows his selfless contribution towards the society
He has recently quit his job to chase his passion. Not many will even dream that
I’m proud to say I’m training under him”
Best of luck Kay”
- coachkay@kfita.in