About Coach Prajwal

Introducing Our New Strength & Conditioning Specialist: Prajwal Bhat
Prajwal, the latest addition to the KaysFIT Academy is an accomplished Strength & Conditioning (S&C) specialist. Prajwal’s presence marks a significant milestone for our Academy, which has been dedicated to nurturing excellence and knowledge-driven athletes since its establishment in 2016.
In athletic performance especially in the world of endurance athletes including marathon & ultrarunners, the role of Strength & Conditioning cannot be overstated. A proficient and dedicated S&C coach is pivotal in crafting personalized training programs, addressing individual weaknesses, offering expert guidance on form and technique, and closely monitoring progress. With Prajwal joining our ranks, we are confident that our Academy’s runners will unlock their maximum potential while mitigating the risks of running and overuse-related injuries.
About Prajwal:
Prajwal Bhat is synonymous with achieving peak athletic performance and safeguarding against injuries. With a remarkable background of collaborating with professional football clubs and tennis academies, Prajwal brings a reservoir of knowledge in periodized training, individualized programming, and harnessing cutting-edge technology. His commitment to excellence and innovative methodologies have garnered recognition, positioning him as an invaluable asset in elevating athletes’ physical capabilities and overall accomplishments.
Prajwal holds a Masters’s Degree in Performance Coaching (MSc) and is a certified member of the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA), further underlining his profound expertise in Strength & Conditioning.
Elevating Your Academy Experience:
Prajwal’s primary focus at KaysFIT Academy will revolve around introducing the RCF (Reconstruct the Foundation Framework) – an innovative approach that seamlessly integrates his extensive S&C knowledge and hands-on experience to enhance performance while minimizing the risk of injuries.
Contact Us
For coaching enquiries, write to coachkay@kfita.in
Call us at +91 7829956329 between 8.00 am to 6.00 pm (or simply WhatsApp)