Ultra Indians Running Club, by KaysFIT Academy

A welcome message by Coach Kay
Hello there!
I’m Coach Kay, an ultramarathon coach and founder of KaysFIT Academy. If you’re a recreational runner looking to take your performance to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. I’m thrilled to announce that KaysFIT Academy now offers a high-quality long-distance running coach program at the Padukone-Dravid Center for Sports Excellence (CSE) in North Bangalore – one of the highest-quality private sports facilities in all of India.
With years of experience personally coaching individuals and corporate teams of varied skill levels – from beginners to competing athletes – I firmly believe that serious performance gains go hand-in-hand with access to modern facilities and a well-developed scientific coaching program.
When you join the Ultra Indians Running Club, you will have access to a team of experienced running and strength & conditioning coaches and also have the option to access the world-class fitness facility and sports physiotherapists. It’s an environment that is developed to breed performance growth scientifically. The evidence is that CSE, in the few short years of its existence, has already produced several world-class athletes and is creating the next generation of fitness proficiency in India.
My long-distance coaching programs are designed with you in mind, based on my experience as an ultrarunner, a certified science and evidence-based sports performance coach, and an ultramarathon race director. Whether you’re looking to improve your performance in a half marathon, a full marathon, or an ultramarathon – on a road, technical trail, extreme weather, or high altitude – I can help you achieve your goals.
Join the Ultra Indians Running Club at CSE, and let’s take your running to the next level!
Coach Kay,
M.Sc in Performance Coaching | ACE Personal Trainer | UESCA Ultrarunning Coach | Founder & Race Director OOTYULTRA | Bison Ultra
Available Running Coaching Programs for all levels
Ready to level up your running game? Join the KaysFIT Academy Ultra Indians Running Club for expert coaching and group workouts through the programs offered,
- On-site at the CSE campus
- Online
- Hybrid (onsite + online)
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned marathoner, we have a program for you. Choose the option that best suits your requirement and let’s crush those running goals together!
Goal: Develop capabilities to run 5 km comfortably | Health & weight management (if applicable) | Develop practical and mindful habits
Typical duration: 3 months
Program available : On-Site @ CSE
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training. In exceptional cases, doctor clearance is required.
- Must be able to brisk walk or jog/walk for 30 mins minimum.
- Before beginning: Must complete a physical assessment and fitness screening; discussion with the coach
Group sessions under the guidance of Coach (Running & RCF conditioning): 3 days a week, Tue, Thur and Saturday
(Optional) Strength training @ the Gym: Mon, Wed, Frid
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Weight management & nutrition plans
Goal: Develop capabilities to run 10 km comfortably | Health & weight management (if applicable) | Develop practical and mindful habits
Typical duration: 3-6 months
Program available: Online | On-Site @ CSE | Hybrid
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training. In exceptional cases, doctor clearance is required.
- Must be able to run or jog 5 km. Must be running for a minimum of 6 months- 1 year
- Before beginning: Must complete a physical assessment and fitness screening; discussion with the coach.
Group sessions under the guidance of Coach (Running & RCF conditioning): 3 days a week, Tue, Thur and Saturday
(Optional) Strength training @ the Gym: Mon, Wed, Frid
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Weight management & nutrition plans
Goal: Develop capabilities to run half-marathon comfortably | Health & weight management (if applicable) | Develop practical and mindful habits
Typical duration: 6-12 months
Program available: Online | On-Site @ CSE | Hybrid
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training.
- In exceptional cases, doctor clearance is required
- Must be able to run or jog 10 km comfortably.
- Before beginning: Must complete a physical assessment and fitness screening; discussion with the coach.
Group sessions under the guidance of Coach (Running & RCF conditioning): 3 days a week, Tue, Thur and Saturday
Training plan: Tailor-made for the athlete targeting the race/marathon goals, finish time
(Optional) Strength training @ the Gym: Mon, Wed, Frid
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Physiotherapy & recovery
Goal: Develop capabilities to run a full marathon
Typical duration: 6 months to 1 year
Program available: Online | On-Site @ CSE | Hybrid
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training. In exceptional cases, doctor clearance is required.
- Must be regularly running for a minimum of 2 years. Must have run multiple 10k runs and half marathons comfortably.
- Before beginning: Must complete a physical assessment and fitness screening; discussion with the coach.
Training plan: Tailor-made for the athlete targeting the race/marathon goals, finish time
(Optional) Strength training @ the Gym: Mon, Wed, Frid
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Physiotherapy, sports massage & recovery
Goal: Develop capabilities to run an ultramarathon => 50 km
Typical duration: 6 months to 1 year
Program available: Online | On-Site @ CSE | Hybrid
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training. In exceptional cases, doctor clearance is required.
- Must be able to run a Full Marathon distance comfortably. Must have run a minimum of 4-5 full marathons before scaling up to ultras.
- Before beginning: Must complete a physical assessment and fitness screening; discussion with the coach.
Training plan: Tailor-made for the athlete targeting the race/ultramarathon goals, finish time
Group sessions under the guidance of Coach (Running & RCF conditioning): On demand
(Optional) Strength training @ the Gym: Mon, Wed, Frid
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Physiotherapy, sports massage & recovery
Goal: Conduct a baseline body composition, movement, biomedical screening, and running form assessment.
Outcome: Derive physical fitness-related gaps and movement-related issues. Identify opportunities to prevent/correct.
Typical duration: 2-2.5 hrs
Location: At the CSE running track (outdoor) and inside Vesoma Sports Medicine Center (indoor)
- Must be healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions limiting cardiovascular or strength training.
- You must be a regular runner and must be able to run comfortably. You are familiar with strength and conditioning & regularly exercise.
- Book an appointment with the Coach / it also depends on the availability of the Sports Physio @ Vesoma
(Optional) RCF Knowledge Workshops: Weekends / as per the workshop calendar
(Optional) Physiotherapy, sports massage & recovery
RCF Knowledge workshops
Come join us for an interactive awareness workshop titled “Fix Your Foundation“. Whether you’re an amateur runner, seasoned marathoner, or ultrarunner, you’ll be fascinated by the ability to use running to improve your health and performance, understand the demands of the sport and learn how to channel your efforts towards fixing your foundation. Discover the opportunities to become a “knowledgeable athlete” and what to focus on to become one of the finest runners.
Duration: 2 hr
Registration fees: NA
Program Schedule
23-Apr-2023, Sun 11.00 am to 2.00 pm (Completed)30-Apr-2023, Sun 11.00 am to 2.00 pm (Completed)
Duration: 1 day
Registration fees: Rs. 3000/- including 18% GST / participant
Food: not included
Next workshop Schedule
- details will be published soon
Duration: 2 days
Registration fees: Rs. 5000/- including 18% GST / participant
Food: not included
Next workshop Schedule
- details will be published soon
Welcome to our exciting and exhilarating one-day workshop, “Play, Fun, Endurance & Motivation” (PFEM). This event is designed for couples, friends, and families seeking to enhance their health & wellness, endurance, motivation, and overall well-being through exhilarating physical activities, hands-on workshops, and group activities.
Having someone closer to you watch your health and fitness journey improves accountability and creates opportunities to pick up a new outdoor hobby, travel to new places, or discover what more you can do to get healthier, fitter, and have more fun in your life.
Facilities at CSE, at a glance
Coaching Framework
I’m a friendly coach and mentor. I believe in the philosophy, “give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”.
All my clients benefit from my passion and blended knowledge developed over the past 30 years from the corporate leadership roles that I played, knowledge as an ultrarunning athlete, and as a coach with a special interest in performance, human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, functional training methods, sports-specific physical and mental conditioning, racing and fueling strategies and effective coaching methodologies.
I bring numerous years of ultrarunning experience and coaching many athletes into my Academy presented through the RCF framework I created in 2020 during the pandemic. RCF stands for Reconstruct the Foundation; RCF helps you fix your foundation; RCF focuses on developing knowledgeable athletes; RCF integrates your life goals; and many more.
Additionally, I integrate my knowledge from various disciplines into my coaching practice to help my clients achieve their success and beyond from my experience in managing large programs, working with people, planning and managing complex projects and sports events and developing process excellence.
Regain. Rebuild. Reform and ‘Reconstruct the Foundation.’
- RCF is a framework built based on a logical structure, athlete-centric, scientific and evidence-based approach.
- RCF is built on various pillars that address everything necessary to build a robust health and fitness foundation for individuals and working professionals.
- RCF is based on continuous learning of best practices from the industry, expert coaches, evidence-based research outcomes and multiple years as a hands-on performance coach.
KaysFIT Academy client Testimonials
“Even though I had finished a few half and full marathons, I had a nagging feeling of not completing a marathon with total control. I was keen to participate in a 75 km Ultra, and that’s when I met Coach Kay. Every week, his counselling and improvement tips helped me gain endurance and confidence in running. He also designed a race plan, including a pacing chart considering my goal, potential, course complexities, and weather. You won’t believe it; I was amazed to see my finish time…I finished the Ultra with a 10 minutes difference from the pacing plan.

“My running journey started in 2016, where I met Coach Kay and began to train under his guidance. My primary objective was to get fitter and deal with my college-days-obesity. I had completed 5 half marathons during the first year and lost a whopping 26 kgs 106 to 80. I couldn’t be happier than this. Now I can’t let a day go past me without exercising. During the initial days, there were moments I became careless and complacent after achieving my weight target. Thank you, Coach Kay, for believing in me and coaching me whenever I needed your guidance.”
“…I could smile at the finish line, I’m not regretting or feeling the pain at the finish. That headache after the finish of any event is now missing, I can have a meal at the finish and immediately after my run, I can carry out my role as a mom. With all these, I noticed that my heart rate started to stabilize at 7:15 pace for a considerably longer time. In the past, It would have gone over the roof for this pace after an hour into the run.
When I started this journey with the Academy my aim was to reach a higher goal and then attain happiness. Now this journey itself looks super exciting and I’m happy to have taken up this journey. “
“It’s been one transformational experience for me. For someone who refuses to walk and needs company, even for an errand, running a marathon means something! I had my goals established and had the confidence to attempt, but the path (I was clueless) to this seemingly impossible task! Landing at KaysFIT Academy proved to be my watershed moment in many ways. My coach provided me with a holistic approach to fitness, diet, and disciplined training, my running has significantly improved over 9 months. The personalized training schedule, feedback sessions, running tips, and more importantly, Coach Kay’s attention during times of self-doubt ensured I completed my maiden marathon beating my goal time.”
“Before May last year, I was absolutely dormant, not because I was lazy but because I just couldn’t do any workouts or runs due to a shin injury. When I was cleared to exercise, Coach Kay advised me to invest in RCF. After completing my first Marathon and the Comrades under him, I have developed complete faith in his coaching skills. I took to the RCF program very seriously, and the results were phenomenal. From starting to walk in June, I did a 45 min 10K PB a few months later. The RCF techniques, rigor, and techniques built confidence in me. Regular reporting and review of the progress with my coach helped me to stay focused. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced runner; RCF is a must for everyone.”
“My first interaction with Coach Kay was at the OOTYULTRA 2018, and right from the pre-race briefing to the actual race, your organizing abilities were quite impressive. I found him to be very approachable and helpful.
Frankly, I didn’t have any training experience under a coach, and the experience with you as an Academy #fitsian has been a great learning. You have a straightforward technical approach to running, often explaining the muscle groups involved in each workout and the benefits of doing them. These discussions have helped me appreciate running better, and most avoid injuries, needless to say, to achieve my short distance races PBs & also to complete my first ever ultramarathon.”
“Very Friendly coach – cost-effective in terms of service provided along with Training peaks Integration – very knowledgeable – vast experience in the field of running – very open to listening to runner’s a choice/option/ideas – I being a recreational runner, training plan is always left open and adjusted based upon our sudden travel/sickness/or due to any unavoidable circumstances like corona or whenever is injured. I was out of training for two months, and Coach Kay extended my membership too extended for two months & I don’t think any other coach will do this.”

I am proud and happy to say that I have been part of this incredible journey for the last 3 years since I joined the academy in 2019 with a dream to do a sub-4 marathon. It started wonderfully well, and in just one year Coach Kay coached me to reach close to my goal, which made me believe more was possible. But unfortunately, the brakes were put on by the lockdowns.
It was one of the most trying times when all our dreams in most areas came crashing down. I am sure the coach felt the same way, but he remained a true coach and kept us all going during those trying times with innovative ideas….RCF, Thursday sessions, guest chats etc… it definitely inspired and kept me going in the trying times. I am ever so grateful for that coach. Finally, I fulfilled my dream of sub 4 FM this year. Thank you, coach, for mentoring me into a better (recreational 😊) athlete. I have learnt a lot more than just running from you. Thank you 😊 Wish you all the best.
Contact Us
For coaching enquiries, write to coachkay@kfita.in
Call us at +91 7829956329 between 8.00 am to 6.00 pm (or simply WhatsApp)
Address & Location
Padukone-Dravid Center for Sports Excellence, Survey No 336, Tharahunisa Jala Hobli, Yelahanka Taluk, Bengaluru – 562157