It has been 3 months since I have joined KaysFIT Academy.
When I joined the academy, there were few things I told Kay, that I wanted to achieve (actually a big list). He told me that I’m rushing and asked to pause and feel the joy of doing it before I take it on. That sounded nice.
I got a schedule for a month, read the plan and realized it’s too heavy, maybe coach overestimated what I am….. I wanted to talk to him and let him know I need more lenient plan to get there. But my inner voice asked me to give it a try for a week. I felt fantastic completing week 1. My Coach was right!!!
When I started, while trying to understand the basics, I had a lot of doubts and curiosity. Many jargons sounded Greek and Latin. My Coach was patient enough to answer my questions.
Before taking up Kays guidance, I had my plan for every week and that typically will have a couple of runs, a couple of cycling sessions and few swimming sessions. That’s only in planning. In any given week finally, when I look back most of the days I would have done cycling only. Because I had a fear of running repeatedly and continuously.
From Kay, I started believing that running can actually be enjoyed similar to other sports. The varieties he brought into each of my running sessions were super good and kindled my curiosity.
A major positive impact my coach is not only in running. He gave me daily workout and running routines on a weekly basis and also gave me some milestones to achieve on the way to my goal.
- Balance the food (as I’m a Vegan)
- Be kind and reasonable with my own expectations
- Maintain right body composition
When I took this approach and followed his schedule without any miss, achieving the individual milestones became super exciting. What surprised me was that every day I finished my run without complaining.
I think I have got to the first phase of what I wanted to achieve. YES!!! I M A HAPPY, SMILING RUNNER. Eswari
I can smile at the finish line, I’m not regretting or feeling the pain at the finish. That headache after the finish of any event is now missing, I can have a meal at the finish and immediately after my run, I can carry out my role as a mom. With all these, I noticed that my heart rate started to stabilise at 7:15 pace for a considerably longer time. In the past, It would have gone over the roof for this pace after an hour into the run.
This March (2018) I hit the highest running mileage 163 km in the last 4 years of running.
When I started this journey my aim was to reach a higher goal and then attain happiness. Now this journey itself looks super exciting and I’m happy to have taken up this journey.
Yes, results are important so my goal is important but I’m sure if I enjoy my journey, then my goal is right there within reach.
Thank you, Coach Kay!!!